Articles on: Direct Access

Adding Custom Items

What is a 'Custom Item'?

We designed to be as flexible as possible. You can create custom experiences for your fans like meet-ups, events, backstage access etc. This will open up messaging between you and your fan so you can talk about whatever you're selling.  

How to add Something Else:

Log in to your profile editor
Click '+ Add Item
Select 'Direct Access
In the section 'Offer something else' click '+ Create'
Choose Social Action click '+ Add this'
Set price
Add Title; the best titles make it extremely clear what fans receive i.e. "Be my guest backstage"
Add Description
Add Instructions; add any necessary information that you need from your fans.
Choose who can purchase your item; 'Everyone, My Followers, People I follow'
Click 'Publish Item'
Click the toggle button to turn your link on/off

Optional Settings

Add an image: This will turn your button into a featured Item
Total Limit: Enter the total number available or the number your willing to complete
Is this for businesses?: This setting mark that this item is only for business use only. (For example, you might want to list the same type of item but, have to two different prices for fans vs Company's or Brands.)

Need help with adding Direct Access? Please contact our customer support team or emailing

Updated on: 26/01/2021

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