Articles on: Advanced Settings

Adding Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel Integration

What is the Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook Custom Audience Pixel makes conversion tracking, optimization and remarketing easier than ever. Once it's placed on your website, you can do the following on Facebook and Instagram:

Measure cross-device conversions: See how your customers are moving between devices before they convert.

Optimize delivery to people likely to take action: Ensure your ads are being seen by people most likely to take the action you want them to take, like purchase or fill out a form.

Automatically build audiences for website visitors to retarget: Create Custom Audiences for people who take specific actions on your website, like visited a product page, added to cart or purchased a product.

Create Lookalike Audiences. Find more people who are similar to your best customers.

Run dynamic product ads. Create relevant and timely ads on Facebook based on the products people have visited on your website.

Access Audience Insights. Get rich insights about the people who visit your website.

What happens when I integrate it with

We've done all the heavy lifting for you!

All you need to do, is create your Facebook Pixel and then copy and paste your Pixel ID into your settings.

Here is the easiest way to get your Pixel ID

Go here.


Press 'Email Instructions'.

Copy-paste the Pixel ID displayed.

Paste it in the Pixel ID Field in your ‘[Settings](’.

Click ' Save Settings'.

Standard Events

Once you have put your Facebook Pixel ID in the field provided, the Facebook Pixel will be fired on every profile visit and will track the audience for you to use on Facebook.

The following pixel events will fire:

On every view - 'pageView' event will fire

On every link click - 'linkClick' event will fire

If you're using the Facebook Pixel Helper, this is what the tool will show after a user has clicked a link on your

Updated on: 27/01/2021

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