Articles on: Sharing & Awareness

The Best Time to Share

Best times to share your URL

Every profile has a unique audience, with followers located in different time zones, so it’s important to find your personalized best time to create a post.

Scheduling your posts for optimized times is proven to help you reach more followers and get more engagement on your posts.

The Best Time to Post on by Day:

Monday: 6am, 10am, and 10pm EST
Tuesday: 2am, 4am, and  9am EST
Wednesday: 7am, 8am and 11pm EST
Thursday: 9am, 12pm, and 7pm EST
Friday: 5am, 1pm, and 3pm EST
Saturday: 11am, 7pm, and 8pm EST
Sunday: 7am, 8am, and 4pm EST

While these are the best times to post on average, we’ve found that if you want to get more engagement, it’s best to find your personalized best times to post based on your unique audience.

Want more followers? Tips on growing your audience, click here to learn how →

Updated on: 27/01/2021

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