Guide to adding your URL to your social media
Adding your URL to all social platforms. Copy your URL Login to your profile editor Click 'Copy' the right of your URL Paste your link to your socials platforms Adding your Profile URL to Instagram Log-in to your Instagram Navigate tFew readersVerification
Our verification team searches for profiles that they think should be verified. The team is looking out for very popular accounts, which have a strong social media presence and following. Our verification team has set the bar high. To get noticed, build your profile and really establish your following on the leading social media platforms and add your URL on them.Few readersHow to promote your Items and Links
Learn how to promote your "Link-in bio" Add your links everywhere. Insert your link in your; bios, about, posts, stories, videos, Tweets, channels, or wherever your audience is, to help them discover your content. Direct your fans. Every platform gives you a unique ability to share your links differently. However, your link is alwaFew readersThe Best Time to Share
Best times to share your URL Every profile has a unique audience, with followers located in different time zones, so it’s important to find your personalized best time to create a post. Scheduling your posts for optimized times is proven to help you reach more followers and get more engagement on your posts. The Best Time to Post on by Day: Monday: 6am, 10am, and 10pmFew readersGrowing your followers
Growing your audience It’s important to maintain a consistent brand personality and look. Style your profile in a way that your followers will easily recognize you and your brand. No matter what you want to achieve, it’s important to maintain a consistent brand personality and look. Styling your theme to match your brand: Log in to your profile editor Click 'Appearance’ on the top menu Choose one of our premiumFew readers